Here it is 3x4 photo size in mm, cm and inches

Here it is 3x4 photo size in mm, cm and inches


3 min read

If you want to print a photo as a 3x4 photo size, you should first get to know the various sizes in mm, cm and inches. So that when you are at the printing press, you already have stock regarding the size of the photo to be printed.

Details of Photograph Size in Different Units

You would think that the size of a 3x4 photo would be 3 cm and 4 cm. It turns out that in practice, the actual size is not that, but there is a difference reduced by 0.2 cm from the actual size. So if we interpret it in a different unit form, it becomes the following explanation:

Unit mm (millimeter) With mm units, the 3x4 size has a size of 28x23 mm, meaning:

• Length of 38 mm

• Width of 28 mm

Unit cm (centimeter) The cm unit is indeed the unit most often used by Indonesian people. If it is made in cm, the size will be 2.8x3.8 cm. Because 1 mm will equal 0.1 cm. So it can be explained as follows:

• Length of 3.8 cm

• Width of 2.8 cm

Inch unit As for the inch unit, it will be different from the mm and cm unit. For inches, it has a size of 1.1 x 1.5 inches, which is defined as:

• Length size of 1.5 inches

• Size width of 1.1 inches

So if we summarize to make it easier in a table, it can be summed up to be: Photograph size 3x4 Unit mm 38x28 mm Unit cm 3.8x2.8 mm Inch unit 1.5 x 1.1 inches Pas photo with size 3x4 is the size that is generally the most common and the most widely used in various ways.

There are still many other types of photo print sizes, such as 2x3. 4x6, and so on. If you compare these types of sizes, it will be clear how big and small the size of the photo is.

Usefulness of the 3x4 photo size

As explained above, the 3x4 size is the size that is commonly found and is used the most in various ways. Usually this 3x4 size will be used in terms of:

• Official educational documents, usually for diploma photos

• Official work document

• Official document of marriage

• Kept in a wallet will be more practical and fit.

In general, activities like this will require a photo print size of 3x4. If you come to a photo printing place and want to print in 3x4 size, the size will usually be explained in cm.

For those of you who are going to print a 3x4 photo with the right size, you should make sure the size is suitable for the printing location. Then make sure the printouts are of good quality or not blurry.